Benji Pritchard

Benji, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Fit Rewards, brings a wealth of knowledge across App development and the startup space.

Co-Founder & CPO

About Benji Pritchard

Benji was previously an Innovation Specialist at Creative HQ, where he coached over 400 founders, designed and managed high impact accelerators and pre-incubation programmes, and helped develop the national startup ecosystem. This included getting to know Scotty through being his coach in Creative HQ's Impact Accelerator Programme.

He is a serial entrepreneur who has been part of founding two startups and a charitable trust (EIARNAP) outside of Fit Rewards. One of these was an iOS app that he had built back at the end of 2021 under Drink Your Milk Ltd, which was designed originally to validate Covid Passports and track visitors for retirement villages and in 2024 he sold it to a company in France.

Outside of Fit Rewards, he is working part-time as a Startup Specialist at The Factory and is managing ManawaTech. He enjoys coffee, collecting vinyls and spending time with family and friends.